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One on One Training


Education Celebration Week • Mini One-On-One Sessions


Want to learn more about the basics of your camera, lens, or general photo techniques? Sign up for a Mini One-on-One Session, offered in support of our annual Education Celebration Week! Cover the topics you want to explore and enjoy personalized guidance from a Photo Expert in a 30-minute session on Thursday, August 1st.


To see current availability and register for your Mini One-on-One Session, click the banner above or click here.


Registration for Mini One-on-One Sessions will be booked via Calendly, and payment will be taken in person at the store when you check in for your session. If you need to cancel your registration for any reason, please let us know right away so we can reopen the time slot. Cancellations can be made through Calendly, and you can also email us at classes@natcam.com to cancel your session.

Due to the shortened session length, we are limiting the content to cameras, lenses, and basic photography techniques. If you are interested in any other topics including flash photography or software techniques, check out our full Calendar of Events or sign up for a full-length session below.


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Standard One-on-One Sessions • Hourly rate: $100


Learn one-on-one in-depth knowledge about your camera, equipment, or software from our experienced photographic professionals in a quiet and private learning environment or virtually via WebEx.

Content covered in our One-on-One Sessions includes in-depth exploration of camera and video techniques, how to photograph in specific situations, and how to use the latest editing software to help you meet your photo goals. Whatever you want to learn, our Photo Experts are here to help!


How do I sign up for a One-on-One?

It’s easy! Fill out the form below to request an appointment. Appointments are available Monday-Friday between 10 am and 3:30 pm, with additional limited availability on the weekends. Due to our Education Celebration Week event, full-length sessions can only be booked for dates after Monday, August 5th.

  • Choose a location to meet with a One-on-One Instructor
  • Describe what you would like to learn during your session.
  • Describe the equipment you are using.
  • Any special requests for your session or additional information.



Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use my Next Step Seminar tickets towards this service?

The class tickets may not be applied towards this service at this time, and are only valid with the National Camera Exchange Next Step Seminars.

Will I be using my equipment?

Yes. We recommend that you bring your equipment—these sessions are designed for a hands-on learning experience with your own gear, enabling you to gain the most knowledge through not only instruction but participation, too!

What are the rates for One-On-One sessions?

Sessions are $100 per hour and are billed hourly. If you plan on booking multiple or longer sessions, you pay for the first 4 hours and receive the 5th free of charge. Payment will be accepted after your appointment time has been confirmed.

What if I need more training?

If you decide you need more training after your initial session, you may schedule a follow-up session with your current instructor or you may register for another session via the form above.

Can I choose the topics?

Absolutely! That is the whole point of our One-On-One Sessions! We want to create an experience that enables individuals to learn about their specific area of interest in photography.

Can I get in-the-field training?

At the current time, we do not offer this option. To receive updates on current classes, which change monthly, please sign up for our Digital News email updates here.

Who is my instructor?

Your professional and experienced instructor will be selected based on the needs of your One-On-One Session. We will choose the instructor who meets the requirements needed to instruct the topic of your choice.

Where is my personal training held?

We can host your One-On-One Session in person at our Golden Valley location or virtually in the comfort of your own home.

Can I get help with software?

Yes. For training on software, please bring your laptop with the software already installed.

I have a question that isn’t shown here. Who should I contact?

For any other questions regarding One-on-One Sessions, please give us a call at 763-536-6831 or email us at classes@natcam.com.